There are LOTS of dating sites out there that I’ve reported on and most of them have been bad news. Today, I’ve unfortunately got another scum bum to share with you here. The report is on Freelifetimefuckfinder and I’m here to, unfortunately, announce that this site is not a good site.

It’s not too bad, it’s three bad! This is a little saying that I use when a website really sucks big time. At any rate, here’s what you need to know about the site.

Freelifetimefuckfinder homepage

My Official Review Of Free Lifetime Fuck Finder

Here’s what you need to know about this site, time to get down to business…


Unlike other scam hookup websites that I’ve reported on, free lifetime fuck finder really goes out of their way to appear legit. The interface appears professional and the girls on the site are attractive.

However, once you get into the site and check out the terms and conditions (see image below), it’s obvious on its face that this is a scam.

Shady Parent Company

Your first red flag will be that free lifetime fuck finder is linked to a variety of other dating sites that are owned by Nautell Capital, which is a well-known parent company of fraud dating sites. I’m talking about sites like and many others.

Trust me, this is a telltale sign that the site is a scam. It is typical for scam sites to be bundled in networks so that they have more opportunities at your financial information.

100% Free? It’s Def Not

Likewise, this site claims to be one hundred percent free, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. They ask you to give your credit card information as a way to verify your age. You have to understand that no reputable business would ever ask for this.

They Just Want Your Card

Another feature on the site that is atypical for real dating sites, is the option for xxx videos and live cams. Real dating sites actually go through a lot of trouble to not appear like a porn site, or a sex solicitation site.

Freelifetimefuckfinder does the complete opposite. This is because they never intend to help you get laid. They just want your credit card number.

Social Media Ripped Photos

If you get lured in by the photos of the girls because they look like regular girls, it’s because these images have been ripped from social media pages all across the internet. Many of the pictures are of amateur porn stars and cam girls who actually work on legitimate sites.

This is a tried and true tactic of scam sites.

Love Stars

They know that if people think there are “real girls” here, they will assume that this is an actual dating site. The terms and conditions tell you right up front that all the accounts are not real.

They have profiles that are labeled as “Love Star” profile, which is their way of telling you it’s a fake profile. Not a single love star profile is a real person, and these profiles make up the vast majority of the site.

Fake Messages

The fake profiles are backed up with fake messages and emails from bots. Once you sign up you will be hit with messages from all types of girls who claim to be in your area and ready to hookup.

However, the messages are all generic and you’ll receive them regardless if your profile is even set up or not. The entire scam is based around luring you into thinking hot girls are interacting with your profile and want to reach you, but you are getting messages from computer bots, not real people.

You will never really meet up with anyone. It actually explicitly states in the terms and conditions that you can never meet with the Love Star profiles.

TOS Free Life Time Fuck Finder

Shady Servers, Fake Profiles, Bots Galore

Sites like this exist on servers that are leaky and not secure and that feature fake profiles. They are filled with bots that will endlessly email and message you until you set up a paid membership. Then they will steal your money and sell your credit card information on the black market. You should stay far away from this place and others that are connected to it.

Conclusion: Don’t Join This Site

Do yourself a favor, stay away from this site. I haven’t and refuse to suggest that anyone join because it’s absolute garbage. Don’t waste a single second using this site because it’s nothing but the same “free dating” scam that’s on so many of these “lifetime” sites today.

If you’re looking for a site that works, start by reading the main page and take things from there.

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