Well, folks, sometimes I just can’t help myself and I need to vent. This is one of those cases where I’m going to vent my life away all in the name of good decision making. I recently came across a site called The Erotic Review. It’s exactly what you think, a network of escorts and their clients.

The Erotic Review

Although I typically do not report on these escort sites, I felt the need to do so with regards to this. After diving in head first, I now know exactly why TheEroticReview is not for you. There are dozens of escort sites out there but I wanted to focus on this one because I believe it could mean serious trouble for someone if they’re not careful.

I can honestly and confidently state that this site has done nothing positive for myself or anyone that I’ve discussed it within the past. Chances are you’re going to want to pour yourself a stiff drink and sit down to read this.

6 Reasons Why The Erotic Review Is Bad News

Here’s all you need to know about this awful escort forum site.

TER Is WAY too expensive for what you get.

Yes, you heard that right. If you want to use theeroticreview.com, you’ll need to cough up about $250 to do so. They do have a free section but it’s not worth the digital paper it’s written on. If you have hundreds of dollars to blow on basic information, then why on earth wouldn’t you just join a dating site and take things from there.

You’re Admitting To An Interest In Hookers.

The problem that I see here is massive. You’re going to put yourself out there as admittingly being interested in escorts, call girls, hookers, etc. Why you ask? Well, when you use TheEroticReview.com, you end up registering and paying for information about escorts. Guess what, this site retains your information and it’s pure evidence that you’re willing and able to hire girls which doing so is completely illegal.

Putting Yourself At Risk

Clicking into TER, you’re starting the process of putting yourself at risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases. Trust me, these girls have sex with thousands if not millions of men. They pass around things left and right with one another and Jon’s don’t make things any safer. Some of them go bareback and it’s disgusting. If you’re willing to risk your life for an orgasm, then that’s on you, but I’m sure as hell not willing to do so!

Images Are Ripped

When you start sniffing around the Erotic Review, you’ll notice that many of the girls are using stock images on their profiles. It’s plain to see that these images are stolen. They are not owned by the girls. In fact, they aren’t even photos of the girls you’re going to meet. The use of stock photos today is inexcusable in my humble opinion and I will not back it even for a second.

Police Are Watching You

Guess what, the local police are likely watching your every move. If you’re trying to use an open site like Erotic Review to connect with escorts, then one of those escorts just might be a police officer trying to arrest you. Guess what happens if you get arrested? You end up going to jail and the site doesn’t give a hoot about you or your legal troubles.

Pimps Run Listings

There is reason to believe that some of these listings might be run by local pimps. These are guys that control girls and their every move. It’s disgusting and not something I’m willing to stand behind even for a second. Not to mention, you just might get robbed, stabbed, beaten, or killed by these pimps if they ultimately don’t get what they want.

Conclusion: The Erotic Review Is Not Worth Using

You’ll get zero benefits from using the TER site and you just might put yourself at serious risk doing so. I’ve shared everything you need to know to make a decision. The choice is yours to use it or avoid it. IMHO I’d suggest simply trying fling.com over all these escort sites.

Important: You must avoid the USA Adult Classifieds escort site as well!

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